Liberated Leadership Program

If you're not getting results, it might not be the strategies that are wrong. There are deeper success blocks that you aren't aware of.

You can change the world EXACTLY from where you are. But first, the change is in YOU.

Mission Statement

  • Our mission as a company and team is to empower the next generation leaders (even if you hate the authoritarian connotation of that) to flourish through authenticity, generosity, empowered transformation, unstoppable effectiveness, result, drive, and positive impact for our world.
  • We do this through supplying and training these leaders with tools, strategies, and secret powerful experiences that collapse the transformation timeline from a decade to 6 months.
  • Our mission is to create positive change in you and your organization so that the embodied ripple effect positively changes the world and everyone you touch ---- with ease, flow, naturality. 
Kenny Kolijin |

Kenny Kolijin

Founder of Hypesprout //

After I started working with Ying Han, I realized I had started this at the right time, when I needed the motivation, confidence, and clarit​y to tackle important decisions in my business and life.

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Tell me...

  • Do you take criticisms at work personally?
  • Do hate that what others think creates fear and doubt around your own worthiness and adequacy?
  • Do you sometimes lay at night, scrolling through your phone, looking at other people’s achievements and feeds, wondering when it’ll ever be your turn to feel as successful and happy as those smiles, families or joys that you see. (Even though you know social media is just a highlight reel, deep down inside you know that you deserve that joy and fulfillment)?
  • Do you battle your self talk, pivoting between “stop dreaming” and “go find yourself”?

The 6-week Liberated Leadership Transformation and Healing program Begins June 29th. 1 out of 3 Early Bird Packages have been claimed. Early Bird Ends June 19. Submit your application here.


Here's what our past students are saying from their experiences:

Are you someone who...

  • Is a high achiever on a mission but doesn't fully own it   
  • Explores a ton of personal growth work and is open minded
  • Struggles with little annoying voices in their head, is in a transition or a reinvention stage and is ready to break free from old constructs
  • Has a "bulimic" relationship with time and productivity
  • Is at a brink of change/transformation
  • Wants to create more time, abundance, self trust (intuition), and clarity on their roadmap/plan
  • Has trouble sleeping lately
  • Feels like they want more freedom, legacy, and fulfillment

Are You Ready to Become a Leader Who...

  • Is ready to transcend the emotional addiction (and numbness) to productivity, work, and achievement WITHOUT the detriment to your health, inner fulfillment and legacy?
  • Is ready to remove self judging, self sabotaging and self pressuring sergeant voices within - - - so that you can finally be free, stop searching everywhere for answers, and express your authentic voice without doubt even in the face of authority and high pressure?
  • Leads with courage, vulnerability, truth, easily, and with love?
  • Faces their fears with humility, transcends them - and in the process inspires change in others?
  • Makes a meaningful impact on your team, family, and your world - by simply being and doing what you believe in, the best way you can?

Are you tired of feeling...

  • That you’ll never measure up to your idols who change the world?
  • You have to suck it up and “stick it out” or ignore our inner calling because you are afraid it’d fail or be “practically irresponsible”?
  • Stuck in a cycle of job changing, incessant productivity addiction, never ending pressure and stress to keep performing (and you love and hate it at the same time)

Finally be the creator of your life, career, and relationships.

Click HERE to take your next step into Freedom, Fun and Inspired Fulfillment. SPACE IS LIMITED to 15.  

The 6-week Liberated Leadership Transformation and Healing program Begins June 29th. 1 out of 3 Early Bird Packages have been claimed. Submit your application here.


What made you decide to invest in yourself by working with Hani? 

- Maria Grzywacz

YOLO Team - with Hani

After self healing from a 15 year battle with a disease, Hani has distilled the most important learnings into a multi-cultural Bestselling Author of the You Only Live Once book and now, with her team, supports leaders, change makers, and impact driven entrepreneurs to build sustainable career and businesses so that they can contribute at their highest level. She supports holistic transformations through strategy, personal growth and practical spirituality (mindfulness). The YUMMY Team’s clients span USA, Asia, Africa, Europe, and South America. They are sought after by clients and partners like Singapore Management University, Chamber of Commerce’s, Lululemon, HER Global Network, Festivals, talks and private coaching. The YOLO programs have spread across 350+ media outlets including ABC, NBC, FOX, BBC, and Forum of the Future. Prior to coaching, Hani managed global digital marketing teams at Ogilvy & Mather. She also holds a Masters of Science degree in Innovation, is a Master NLP practitioner and has been a part of Stanford and Claremont Mckenna College.


YOLO Team - with Hani

After self healing from a 15 year battle with a disease, Hani has distilled the most important learnings into a multi-cultural Bestselling Author of the You Only Live Once book and now, with her team, supports leaders, change makers, and impact driven entrepreneurs to build sustainable career and businesses so that they can contribute at their highest level. She supports holistic transformations through strategy, personal growth and practical spirituality (mindfulness). The YUMMY Team’s clients span USA, Asia, Africa, Europe, and South America. They are sought after by clients and partners like Singapore Management University, Chamber of Commerce’s, Lululemon, HER Global Network, Festivals, talks and private coaching. The YOLO programs have spread across 350+ media outlets including ABC, NBC, FOX, BBC, and Forum of the Future. Prior to coaching, Hani managed global digital marketing teams at Ogilvy & Mather. She also holds a Masters of Science degree in Innovation, is a Master NLP practitioner and has been a part of Stanford and Claremont Mckenna College.

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International bestselling author, Speaker And Transformational Life & Business Innovation Coach.

Ying Han Cheng is a multi-cultural Bestselling Author of the YOLO book and founder of YOLO Close the Gap Program.

Growing up internationally and as a third cultured kid, she integrates her multi-cultural and the inter-disciplinary awareness when coaching on topics including Identity and Purpose. With Ying Han's multi-cultural background, wide range of tools, and creative neutro-coaching techniques, she has helped leaders, entrepreneurs and change-makers to reach their highest potential.


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