The Importance of Spiritual Meditation

The Importance of Spiritual Meditation

Spiritual Meditation |

What is Spiritual Meditation

In today's blog, we will be discussing spiritual meditation and spiritual health, its benefits and why it's important.

So what is exactly is spiritual meditation, why is it important and how does it differ from other meditation types? According to Mindworks spiritual meditation is defined as “the mindful practice of connection to something that is greater, vaster, and deeper than the individual self.”

Spiritual meditation is all about connecting to a higher power in order to connect to yourself.

So as opposed to law of attraction meditation which is focusing on a goal and confidence meditation which is believing in yourself, spiritual meditation is about looking past yourself to connect to something higher than yourself. Now that you know what spiritual meditation is, next is why spirituality is important.

Spiritual Meditation Expalined |

Why is Spiritual Health Important?

Now it's important or at least good to be spiritual because as stated by Psychology Today being spiritual makes you “a better person overall.”

If you are spiritual you are more likely to be gracious, compassionate, higher self-esteem, self-actualization and you build lasting memories.

The University of Minnesota reports that “There is a growing body of evidence indicating that spiritual practices are associated with better health and well-being.” According to them if you are spiritual you are more likely to be compassionate, empathetic and a more sound mind. This corroborates the Psychology Today article that being spiritual makes you more compassionate, these are facts people!

There are many health benefits to being spiritually healthy as well. As reported in another Psychology Today article being spiritual will make you happier, have a longer life and reduce chances of depression and suicide.

There are also mental health benefits such as making you more resilient, be more faithful in relationships and you will have happier children with a happy family life. Since spirituality has many benefits why wouldn't you want to become more spiritual? Nothing is stopping you, it's free!

Why is Spiritual Health Important |

How to Be More Spiritual Everyday

By now you've read the facts and studies, being spiritual is good for you and your health. So naturally the next question is “How do I become more spiritual?” There are several ways however since this is a meditation blog, the answer is (you guessed it), meditation!

In that same University of Minnesota study they write “Meditation can induce feelings of calm and clear-headedness as well as improve concentration and attention.” Now spirituality if often connected to religion and one of the benefits of meditation is it does not matter what religion you are you can meditate. Meditation will often make you feel more connected to your religion and help you connected deeper into yourself and your religion. So if you practice a spiritual meditation daily you will feel more spiritual!

Higher Self Meditation

Higher Self Meditation |

#01: Higher Self + Expanding Experiences Morning Motivation Integration Meditation

With lots our brains receiving billions of inputs every day in our lives, sometimes peace is simply sitting still and integrating all those experiences.

Especially when you've got inputs of great experiences - your work is to hold that energy, stay still and integrate it (to max it out) and truly experience the moment.

And, if you're not in a good place, feeling down, it is also equally important to be there for those experiences - and integrate that. Whatever you resist - persists!

Click here to reveal "Higher Self + Expanding Experiences" transcript

#02: Inner Guidance / Peace / Action Taking 10 min Balancing Guided Meditation

Why is it that some people can connect and be REAL and peaceful in times of chaos while others flip like a switch when stuff hits the wall?

No matter where you are - you ALWAYS have access to the peace within - on a vacation - in a crowded place.

Enjoy this spiritual meditation for relaxation and inner peace, I hope it helps you. Can't wait to hear your experience.

Click here to reveal "Inner Guidance" transcript

#03: Connect With Your Inner Voice, Audience, Presentation Visualization

Preparing for a speech or presentation or visualizing what to write to your target audience?

Feeling that you want some preparation that allows you to fully express yourself + win the hearts of your attendees/ team?

Tune in - there is a lot more in you that you realize. There is more information, more knowledge, more wisdom.

Let this spiritual meditation get you in the zone of truly connecting with your inner voice and rightful radiance!

Click here to reveal "Connect With Your Inner Voice" transcript

Now you are probably wondering what exactly higher self means and you are asking yourself why do I want to connect with it?

Well higher self is defined as “an eternal, omnipotent, conscious, and intelligent being, who is one's real self. Essentially it is the “part of us that drives us to succeed, set goals, and pursue worldly things like wealth, possessions, and status.”

Connecting to your higher self has many benefits such as discovering your higher purpose in life, restoring inner balance, realizing your potential, receive a spiritual awakening and you will experience true happiness.

So why not start meditating today, if it can help you feel true happiness and connect to your higher self. This balancing spiritual meditation will also bring inner peace to your soul. Because once you connect to your higher self, you will find relaxation and inner peace.

How To Find Meaning In Life

Find Meaning in Life |

#04: How Do You Find Meaning In Your Life Now | Meditation

Ever ask yourself "what is the meaning of life?" Maybe you have wondered "how to be happy in life?" If this is the case this guided meditation will help you answer these tough questions

Instead of looking for answers or more meaning to your life - let's connect inwards...and see what there is within you that can create more meaning in your life now.

Click here to reveal "How Do You Find Meaning" transcript

#05: How To Connect With Your Supernatural Power | Have An Amazing Day

Supernatural powers can be a mysterious fantasy or a gift that you develop over time.

You probably already have an inkling of what it is- it showed up in your childhood in some ways has made your life easier (or harder) because of it.

Click here to reveal "How To Connect With Your Supernatural Power" transcript

#06: REFRESH: How To Get Over Sadness, Negative Emotions, and Receive LOVE | Meditation Song | Y19

Waking up feeling sad but can't explain why?

Feeling down, blue or bummed out? All good - I got your back.

Tune in today to receive some healing, love and light for your morning 🙂

Click here to reveal "Refresh How To Get Over Sadness" transcript

Morning Meditation for Energy

#07: Morning Motivation for Energy, Healing, Getting Back into Routine

Ever feel like you just need a plug in to get your day started? Back from holidays? Back from a big weekend?

Finding it hard to cure those Monday/today's blues?

Here's how to increase productivity via meditation.

This meditation for energy and motivation is intended to tune you back in for that morning motivation - Whatever state you are!

Get back into a good productive routine - because you can!See you with more energy - on the other side!

Click here to reveal "Morning Meditation" transcript

Call on: Ancestral Spirit, Energy for Body Healing, Help, Support Meditation

Feeling lost, body out of whack, under the weather, and want to connect back to a generous source of support and comfort?

Sometimes sickness, illness, or disease / dis ease, can be overcome with love...And what better love than to tune into the love from all of you, your heritage, and all that came before you.

Tune into the wisdom of that accumulated - to bring you the spirit of your past, history, and the energy of healing and feeling better.

Enjoy this healing spiritual meditation that connects you with your ancestral spirit of health, wellness, as you call on your ancestors for that special something something 🙂

Take them wherever you go (only the good juju's of course!)

Spiritual Energy

Now you may be wondering what energy and spirituality have to do with each other but they are very much connected to one another.

Spiritual energy is a real thing and is defined as “the manifestation of divine, pure love and, depending on an individual's religion, that love comes from a deity, deities or an energy that defies description and explanation. It's considered the life force that binds the soul to the body. In this concept, the soul is itself everlasting.”

Spiritual energy is important because it invokes feelings from your higher self and it made up of pure love for the world and all its inhabitants.

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YOLO Team - with Hani

After self healing from a 15 year battle with a disease, Hani has distilled the most important learnings into a multi-cultural Bestselling Author of the You Only Live Once book and now, with her team, supports leaders, change makers, and impact driven entrepreneurs to build sustainable career and businesses so that they can contribute at their highest level. She supports holistic transformations through strategy, personal growth and practical spirituality (mindfulness). The YUMMY Team’s clients span USA, Asia, Africa, Europe, and South America. They are sought after by clients and partners like Singapore Management University, Chamber of Commerce’s, Lululemon, HER Global Network, Festivals, talks and private coaching. The YOLO programs have spread across 350+ media outlets including ABC, NBC, FOX, BBC, and Forum of the Future. Prior to coaching, Hani managed global digital marketing teams at Ogilvy & Mather. She also holds a Masters of Science degree in Innovation, is a Master NLP practitioner and has been a part of Stanford and Claremont Mckenna College.


YOLO Team - with Hani

After self healing from a 15 year battle with a disease, Hani has distilled the most important learnings into a multi-cultural Bestselling Author of the You Only Live Once book and now, with her team, supports leaders, change makers, and impact driven entrepreneurs to build sustainable career and businesses so that they can contribute at their highest level. She supports holistic transformations through strategy, personal growth and practical spirituality (mindfulness). The YUMMY Team’s clients span USA, Asia, Africa, Europe, and South America. They are sought after by clients and partners like Singapore Management University, Chamber of Commerce’s, Lululemon, HER Global Network, Festivals, talks and private coaching. The YOLO programs have spread across 350+ media outlets including ABC, NBC, FOX, BBC, and Forum of the Future. Prior to coaching, Hani managed global digital marketing teams at Ogilvy & Mather. She also holds a Masters of Science degree in Innovation, is a Master NLP practitioner and has been a part of Stanford and Claremont Mckenna College.

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International bestselling author, Speaker And Transformational Life & Business Innovation Coach.

Ying Han Cheng is a multi-cultural Bestselling Author of the YOLO book and founder of YOLO Close the Gap Program.

Growing up internationally and as a third cultured kid, she integrates her multi-cultural and the inter-disciplinary awareness when coaching on topics including Identity and Purpose. With Ying Han's multi-cultural background, wide range of tools, and creative neutro-coaching techniques, she has helped leaders, entrepreneurs and change-makers to reach their highest potential.

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International bestselling author, Speaker And Transformational Life & Business Innovation Coach.

Ying Han Cheng is a multi-cultural Bestselling Author of the YOLO book and founder of YOLO Close the Gap Program.

Growing up internationally and as a third cultured kid, she integrates her multi-cultural and the inter-disciplinary awareness when coaching on topics including Identity and Purpose. With Ying Han's multi-cultural background, wide range of tools, and creative neutro-coaching techniques, she has helped leaders, entrepreneurs and change-makers to reach their highest potential.

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