In today's blog, we will be discussing spiritual meditation and spiritual health, its benefits and why it's important.
So what is exactly is spiritual meditation, why is it important and how does it differ from other meditation types? According to Mindworks spiritual meditation is defined as “the mindful practice of connection to something that is greater, vaster, and deeper than the individual self.”
Spiritual meditation is all about connecting to a higher power in order to connect to yourself.
So as opposed to law of attraction meditation which is focusing on a goal and confidence meditation which is believing in yourself, spiritual meditation is about looking past yourself to connect to something higher than yourself. Now that you know what spiritual meditation is, next is why spirituality is important.
Why is Spiritual Health Important?
Now it's important or at least good to be spiritual because as stated by Psychology Today being spiritual makes you “a better person overall.”
If you are spiritual you are more likely to be gracious, compassionate, higher self-esteem, self-actualization and you build lasting memories.
The University of Minnesota reports that “There is a growing body of evidence indicating that spiritual practices are associated with better health and well-being.” According to them if you are spiritual you are more likely to be compassionate, empathetic and a more sound mind. This corroborates the Psychology Today article that being spiritual makes you more compassionate, these are facts people!
There are many health benefits to being spiritually healthy as well. As reported in another Psychology Today article being spiritual will make you happier, have a longer life and reduce chances of depression and suicide.
There are also mental health benefits such as making you more resilient, be more faithful in relationships and you will have happier children with a happy family life. Since spirituality has many benefits why wouldn't you want to become more spiritual? Nothing is stopping you, it's free!
How to Be More Spiritual Everyday
By now you've read the facts and studies, being spiritual is good for you and your health. So naturally the next question is “How do I become more spiritual?” There are several ways however since this is a meditation blog, the answer is (you guessed it), meditation!
In that same University of Minnesota study they write “Meditation can induce feelings of calm and clear-headedness as well as improve concentration and attention.” Now spirituality if often connected to religion and one of the benefits of meditation is it does not matter what religion you are you can meditate. Meditation will often make you feel more connected to your religion and help you connected deeper into yourself and your religion. So if you practice a spiritual meditation daily you will feel more spiritual!
With lots our brains receiving billions of inputs every day in our lives, sometimes peace is simply sitting still and integrating all those experiences.
Especially when you've got inputs of great experiences - your work is to hold that energy, stay still and integrate it (to max it out) and truly experience the moment.
And, if you're not in a good place, feeling down, it is also equally important to be there for those experiences - and integrate that. Whatever you resist - persists!
Click here to reveal "Higher Self + Expanding Experiences" transcript
All right so as usual bring your arms to the top let's just loosen up my body is being me and deeply breathing out we won't do really deep breaths for this this meditation
With your left I'm holding it right up this side breathing in deeply lift them up
I'm down breathing in deeply I'm breathing out push here's the top and breathing them down palms facing upwards on your knees yes let me find a comfortable position wherever you are
sitting comfortably and class like it is great closing is tuning in words I'm really coming into the place of teeth relaxation really and deeply in each breath you be in light and center and with each out breath you breathe out resistance
Parts of yourself that are meaning to be let go of fear meaning enjoy waiting how assistance
reading in light fading out imagine a golden ball of beautiful white light glowing from within your heart as well as above you manage an infinite possibility in the finished source of lightness and joy just pouring through your body like a golden waterfall shower
Imagining a blue and purple light all around you protecting you of all other negativity is imagined now on the school and went lights shining out from your heart and breathing in and out through your heart allowing that light to shine through your face and in brain and breathing in and out through your brain connecting to that infinite light sources by waiting in room radiating out of your face your whole body lighting completely off being in and out of that as you bring into your consciousness as you breathe deeply in and out and have a symbol for one of the things that you want to accomplish today
Allows us to easily completed in alignment and integration bring another thing up that you want to accomplish allowing each one of them to really receive all full ease and joy for you
trying to do imagine them each coming through your vision you don't have to specifically
know what it is just allow all of that to come with a little conveyor belt in here if you of just items and just send light into each of those things that will be easily completed with an integration with best highest alignment basically with the highest good of all really good light and just do these
visualizations to really easy is the process was a break up any energy that might have been stuck there I knew assistances or any weird concerns or fears that are just purely emotional
just from being into that to bring it up a descendent blessings send it lights and it ears and
Smoothness they complete them fully holy and as you want them to be completed lubricating
the process of it creating and coming it's a reality and completing each part
Staying connected to your breath because that's where all the power and all of the light is coming from I'm placing them you shouldn't it's the only place allowing it to flow and full until all the places that it needs to be back into in front of me behind you the past if you shared the timeline now allowing yourself to really do that your unconscious mind to do that whatever way
it needs to do it in
Trusting that in those words exactly what to me and that all things exactly where they're meant to be and that you're taking care of HP (health points) is exactly the way and in time of what to do breathing enlightened to all of that just breathing in light to all of your
Expand itself an expanding as everything how it weed out that light into this huge bubble do it again expand it so they can be maximally expanded you are awesome and all the
things that you were wanting to accomplish wanting to complete already done in the irrational level all you need to do is just connect within the rest will flow you can just take one step after the next and everything is in the right place so there's no fear no worries no problems just take each step and you're always being supported and loved and there's really nothing to worry about so thank you
Why is it that some people can connect and be REAL and peaceful in times of chaos while others flip like a switch when stuff hits the wall?
No matter where you are - you ALWAYS have access to the peace within - on a vacation - in a crowded place.
Enjoy this spiritual meditation for relaxation and inner peace, I hope it helps you. Can't wait to hear your experience.
Click here to reveal "Inner Guidance" transcript
Right arm up pull the right left up down and then left and then with your palm facing upwards
place them on your knees and then breathe in and out deeply
Are you ready?
My little white light above your head is this your power new alliance this is
soon inner wisdom moving in that inner light and allowing each of that wisdom that
flourishing assault volunteers each art and limping cranny of your system breathing that in
Yourself allowing us on the stage while the intimacy the full benefits of the certainly stay
the messages breathing that in
Yes that's also open up the imaginary bath connects the center of the earth excelling anything that's unnecessary I needed and and it's off hotness in your realm lights every party body
and waiting out all stress
Those are all emotions let them go each one of those emotions let them flow through out of you
Let them flow out of you out of you guarding you protecting you from other energies and winds and sources but come on serum to disturb you from your focus wisdom and center feeling everything around you but centered and grounded here in a light reading in lightness of all the places in yourself that wants to get expressed
Acknowledging the different things are happening in it surroundings are really connecting to your heart not bleeding into your heart and deeply deeply letting your stomach in your whole body relaxes you do this
Deeply breathing in
Letting go and every breathe celebrate your moment here right now
#03: Connect With Your Inner Voice, Audience, Presentation Visualization
Preparing for a speech or presentation or visualizing what to write to your target audience?
Feeling that you want some preparation that allows you to fully express yourself + win the hearts of your attendees/ team?
Tune in - there is a lot more in you that you realize. There is more information, more knowledge, more wisdom.
Let this spiritual meditation get you in the zone of truly connecting with your inner voice and rightful radiance!
Click here to reveal "Connect With Your Inner Voice" transcript
Alright so in a seated position raise arms right up just just loosen up your body turn to left side breathing in
I know it's here to your right side we're gonna get it out
In a seated position to put your palms facing up right on your knees said great in and out deeply throughout the rest of this meditation knowing that you are in the right place if you're feeling like
you're needing to get some clarity and run anything you're just here to do a meditation you're in the right place this will benefit you in all levels and also if you are specifically to find connection within yourself and some answers on what your next step is from your intuition you're also in the right place as you gently close your eyes reading and deeply in and out it's about the rest of this meditation practice like invite you to really relax all of your body as you do this
Imagine a golden light light above your head this is your essence this is your truth this is your mere breasts what you meant to do what you're meant to be who you really are a lot of rise up through you to meet that golden ball in essence above your head
We're lying that connection to click and align that over for and gold and like to wash over you like a big waterfall showering you inside of it
Allowing every part of yourselves to dance to the rhythm of your life along that unlimited source of light to fill you up allow yourself that being that route being back all the way from the bottom
to the center of the earth this few draws out any toxins
Breathing in and out or that connection as you've been doing to really strengthen that connection also imagining a blue and purple light all around you this is a line of fire lane
protection protecting any parts of you that need protection
As years I'll show me surely the clarity that I need or show me what message did I carry to people breathing in that golden white light into your heart
Is that hard exercise anybody putting it in again ask yourself show me it's your inner guidance your spiritual self your energetic self your inner truth show me maybe to hear what I said
Whichever one is most relevant to you ask a question and the next breath
Let go of any emotions that come up waiting in leo of all emotions or distractions or thoughts go into the center of years you know any thoughts come wash them away like you're washing hands the droplets of water what that flow away into any tensions our happiness and I want that drop as well
What is that show me what I need to know to connect my evil or fill in the blank
Or whatever you're wanting show me what I need to know right now waiting into that gold
And my line and wanted to fill you have heart melting into heart again when I'm all in
My lane
Breathing deeply into them knowing show me what do I need to do anything that
To rise really really be with you taking all of the information all of the insights all the feelings all the sounds of the visions whatever showed up or didn't show up specifically for you just for me
Everything from today
Knowing that you can always return to this to center yourself to gain some clarity which I just feel clear as perfect and he does and the me using insights that's awesome appreciate yourself doing this practice for being here
Let go of any emotions that come up waiting in leo of all emotions or distractions or thoughts go into the center of yea
Now you are probably wondering what exactly higher self means and you are asking yourself why do I want to connect with it?
Well higher self is defined as “an eternal, omnipotent, conscious, and intelligent being, who is one's real self. Essentially it is the “part of us that drives us to succeed, set goals, and pursue worldly things like wealth, possessions, and status.”
Connecting to your higher self has many benefits such as discovering your higher purpose in life, restoring inner balance, realizing your potential, receive a spiritual awakening and you will experience true happiness.
So why not start meditating today, if it can help you feel true happiness and connect to your higher self. This balancing spiritual meditation will also bring inner peace to your soul. Because once you connect to your higher self, you will find relaxation and inner peace.
How To Find Meaning In Life
#04: How Do You Find Meaning In Your Life Now | Meditation
Ever ask yourself "what is the meaning of life?" Maybe you have wondered "how to be happy in life?" If this is the case this guided meditation will help you answer these tough questions
Instead of looking for answers or more meaning to your life - let's connect inwards...and see what there is within you that can create more meaning in your life now.
Click here to reveal "How Do You Find Meaning" transcript
Allow your arms right arm over left and turn it to them side stretch and breathing may close your eyes slightly whereas the continued to follow the sound of my voice and the words breathing in
I'm breathing out breathing in
Breathing out
Crawl down chin to the chest breathing in breathing out breathing in breathing
All right now in you seated position palms facing upwards I'd like you to start breathing a few in and out and in and out as you listen to my voice and really really connect with your breath and the depth of your breath all
Right call us so as you begin stop breathing in and out in this upright seated position maybe pull your tailbone up to get it really good sit firstly breath allow that to go back to a map your shoulder is down yourself against on your stomach to the behalf of your lower back
You may find yourself thinking straight and see the meditative breathing if not you're totally fine just breathe deeply in and out and allowing yourself to fall like a thousand layers and levels
underneath you
I think we that just allow yourself to fall notice there's a big bright blue
and purple flame that's a three feet large all around you flickering protecting me from all
negative energy is allowing you to stay in your space and also a big white route that connects the bottom of your tailbone into the middle of the earth
Letting go of any needs and desires do not see you at the moment past
patterns thoughts attachments to what things should be how'd that go about it
You allow yourself to really connect with that deeper part of you
to begin deliverable also some golden and while I let that join in as you breathe in and out
through your heart just like having a nose on top of your chest
Allowing yourself to breathe and trust and believe connection with your intuition and
breathe out the me to control her find her step into with an even sense of comfort and
support from the universe trusting that things do have a way of finding you and things and inspirations have a way of reaching you reading at the meaty grass whatever that is just whatever doesn't release it
Can I put your inner voice and ask us show me what my meaning is show me what is up the highest good and service meaning here
I'm gonna cover yourself and your breath as you breathe in deeply and deeply yeah allow any type of information in below through to you whether it's an images or sound or ideas just allow it ever wants to go through to flow through show me what's my meaning that's a high acerous and the highest good of all
Receive your messages the quick flash good ask it again show me what is my
meaning right now and answer should come to you
Like of any preconceptions or any thoughts right now so just an update my
Neck go to light blue pink purple light I'm breathing out
You know allowing yourself to stay connected to this place of intuition creativity allowing yourself to receive messages throughout the rest of the day but what could possibly be another level of
deeper meaning into your life today this is a really really great way to connect with yourself and stay true to yourself as you listen from yourself like what could possibly be that could add well meaning no matter how much meaning you already have in your life as you fully open your eyes
#05: How To Connect With Your Supernatural Power | Have An Amazing Day
Supernatural powers can be a mysterious fantasy or a gift that you develop over time.
You probably already have an inkling of what it is- it showed up in your childhood in some ways has made your life easier (or harder) because of it.
Click here to reveal "How To Connect With Your Supernatural Power" transcript
Finding a comfortable spot with your sit bones down lift your them up and start stretching a little bit lift your arms up let's trace them to the right side with your right hand holding your left arm down
Now I want you to stretch upward breathing in breathing out like this and then obviously the other direction stretch your arms
You will each I'm feelin careful with yourself as you do this so that you can
really I think all right set in a comfortable position put your arms right above your knees
like this to the back of your palms on your knees and I want you to listen to my voice so
that you can also meeting in deeply in and out to begin with phanie yourself some gratitude for being here right now you're just amazing you know doing this practice when everyone else is doing other things or has other priorities just give yourself some kudos you being here
beautiful alright so I want you to start modeling a crown above your head in this there's your essence and there is your superpower whatever that is is connected and then it's been given to
you that is where it comes from and this it's the truth of who you are your dreams your desires and all the resources it requires and allow that star to appear above your head above your crowd a lot of that star and ground to merge because this is where everything is holding is held and holding and you are connected to it at all times yourself to open up your crown did we receive that star within you in your next deep breath
Courageously open all your cells your body is you're ready just land and
bravely perceive the true essence of who you are the true ability of who you are the true
power of manifestation of creation of creativity the way that you can create things from thoughts relationships from just being who you are the way that you can integrate joy and maybe even magic in your day-to-day but didn't a few seeing on that possibility fill you and also knowing that to be real we have the ability to make that practical ideas into practicalities as
you as you let whatever isn't you and it's not in your power to exit from the bottom of your tailbone that has a great
Huge root are you straight to the center of the earth meeting in I'm gonna star
and then letting go meeting his booster and then let go of me
beautiful bringing in from our star waiting out you know it bringing first are going out from your
Route guys let's also have a beautiful purple and blue light around you like a circle
surrounding you protecting you from any negative energies thoughts ideas things
are gonna distract you and distract your focus on this path breathing in the
golden light so love essence from your crowd star let that expand in your aura
come on yourself to feel what that superpower is and ask us of what is my
What are you saying what are you feeling merge with that version of you what did you need to do what did you need to experience to get there I see herself to give you a word or phrase to body show me what I need to do will show me ready to pay attention to breathing deeply into a distinct identity energy as in connected to us and it's reading in allow yourself to show yourself for her cell to show yourself with what it's needed right now it's the attention to why do I just let it give it to you very feeling
If you got your word whatever word that is receive it and accept it and breathe into it it's okay no judgment right it's a communication with your higher-self and there's no doubt involved either I
just receive it and receive it as much as you can see how that might apply later but I never see trust yourself but whatever you come up with or whatever came to you is just right for this moment that's what you need to hear right now
Allow yourself to be infused so with your superpower whatever not you got that word is totally perfect if you did get one last whiff of it well I just want you to raise your arms up indeed fuse with the superpower
Whatever that is for you just receive and so you can do more in this world for this world
the impact that you carry with this magnificent gift create the changes in your life that you
want to create knowing that you're backed up by this even if it's a feeling of its instability and stop ability or supports infinite support divided and support that's all beautiful or that's connection with yourself that you're always there for yourself that is also powerful
what is it for you that it emotion is it a word and receive to my abdomen stir and wax your body to relax does he fully receive the benefits of being aware and appreciative of those power and love that comforting you cheer you on being with you right here and right now
With you every second of today so that you can practice it and you can use it whenever you want it's already with you it is you and whenever small or big capacity it is it's perfect it's exactly what you can receive right now and what you're ready to receive right now so thank yourself
take the power are choosing you to come to think yourself or receive it hold yourself flat and the globe and the planet in the same circle doing that there was a reason why I came to you he
went to do something here in this planet and caring it will show you the next step
really get deeply take more times slowly slowly opening your eyes
#06: REFRESH: How To Get Over Sadness, Negative Emotions, and Receive LOVE | Meditation Song | Y19
Waking up feeling sad but can't explain why?
Feeling down, blue or bummed out? All good - I got your back.
Tune in today to receive some healing, love and light for your morning 🙂
Click here to reveal "Refresh How To Get Over Sadness" transcript
Stretch the center of your head pointing upwards breathing in and breathing out make a big circle around you and curl your head forward like a cat or a cow let your shoulders down look up lift your head backwards try not to bend your back put your arms behind your back clasp them together shoulders back
Shoulders down and breathing out breathing in and breathing out breathing in and breathing out
Lifting your arms to one side
I'm holding it to one side breathing in and breathing out breathing in and breathing out same on the other side lift him up right now I'm holding it to the side breathing in breathing out back on a
Imagine a wall behind you're breathing in into the side body on the side and breathing out
Alright now I'll peel your sit bones out from your chair or your floor or wherever you are and put your arms facing upwards in the receiving position with the back of your palms resting above your knee who giving in gently close your eyes let them fall breathing in deeply and breathing out set an intention for us to connect to feelings of vulnerability such as badness they exist we're just going to allow our soul to connect with all living us that's that that's totally fine for it's either it's interesting that it's showing up or it can show up
Today just allow yourself to do that and to do and disturb it and whatever way it wants to move through our bodies this morning thank you so much for being here and let's jump in breathing in breathing out breathing in welcoming the beautiful day breathing in and breathing out breathing in breathing out
Whatever it is or emotions that are present today allow them to rise to the front of your consciousness allowing them to show themselves through our breathing to share with us who they are what they're doing and also allowing themselves to be process and return back
to the earth waiting in flight above your head your soul star breathing in beautiful beautiful white light golden molten light the true essence of who you are the love the light the generous heart breathing in breathing out as you breathe out allow yourself to create a beautiful circle around your energy
Your aura allowing that beautiful blue light flames bring those clusters of sparkles and also razor-sharp how's the thing toolset hasn't even within from your life eat without expanding
that in your field beautiful light but at the same time protected by this layer of purple and blue guards energetic guards the whole energy only online good stuff the ones that serve you that one that's an alignment for you to come through and not the one that there's no longer needed or does not serve you
Personally able to breathing in and breathing out
Let it flow down and let your body as you breathe in opening up your chest opening up your shoulders opening in a laughs and your face and the space between your eyebrows breathing in we're getting out breathing in allowing your back to a blast back your neck to relax breathing out allowing your toes and your knees and your ankles to relax fading in fading out we think in a lie of its to relax breathing out alive for arms and your shoulders to relax breathing in allowing halves to relax
Moving on allowing the line chatter the hard chatter the openness to follow away and I line that to fall through bringing in and out on your own allowing whatever needs to fall through fall through whatever needs to gather gather as you read them in this beautiful filling up your heart and align yourself to close your heart breathing into your heart reading it out from your heart
allow your heart to connect to space between your brows
breathing in love
Breathing in love
Breathing in love Breathing out
Breathing in Breathing in pain
Letting go breathing in pain
Connect without pain and breathing in from you your nostrils breathing not from your
Eyes breathing in pain breathing out pain
We're gonna get into those breathing in breathing out letting go through your chakra you bum breathing in allowing your nose to connect to all that is within you and breathing out that pain
through your bum and your floor and wherever that root chakra is for you
Relying that to flow through you and turn back into the ground allowing that to release and flow through you breathing in love breathing in love reading in love and breathing out pain breathing out pain pain allowing that pain wherever that is ever that's for to will you at least to be released to be released once and for all because it's no longer needed no longer needed to be attached to you
Morning Meditation for Energy
#07: Morning Motivation for Energy, Healing, Getting Back into Routine
Ever feel like you just need a plug in to get your day started? Back from holidays? Back from a big weekend?
Finding it hard to cure those Monday/today's blues?
Here's how to increase productivity via meditation.
This meditation for energy and motivation is intended to tune you back in for that morning motivation - Whatever state you are!
Get back into a good productive routine - because you can!See you with more energy - on the other side!
Click here to reveal "Morning Meditation" transcript
So as usual raise your hands up to the top breathing in as you lift your hands
Up and then arms to the left then right and I'm up and you're breathing out
Appreciating yourself for being here for these stable and consistent thinking
yourself being stable and consistent with your no matter what even if it's your first
time appreciating yourself or that closing your eyes gently as you relax your arms your legs your chest their shoulders
Imagine a beautiful light from above by a beautiful golden white light to shine from above
healing light aligning yourself to what you need to do today
Spiritual light loving light even if you don't believe in spirit it's the light of the universe your source the ultimate health your strength your joy as you also like go of all that's not that into the center of the earth through the food from your tailbone telephone as within breathing beautiful golden white force light
Let that light wash over you expanding throughout you into the circle around you that's what blue and purple flames
With the most important work that's of highest service they invented you today watch yourself seeing the work the compliment that no engaging the right thing healing energies to heal any parts of you that's unwell who needs some sports and attention consciously or I consciously allow them to open
Go breathing in get out
Hello yourself to receive the joy of the day activity of ease relaxing while being productive
Moving forward creating more rebels and next steps in the work that you're doing in a life
that you're having in the day that you're living receive the grade and vast amount of
appreciation and gratitude for all that is for yourself the appreciation of me being here
and connected to your heart - tuition - direction particular time of day to stay consistent and loyal to practice no matter when what is your share
Receiving any other intellectual information downloads infinite intelligence messages whether you just receive a message into your system information into your realm all that you need to know for today and beyond
Seeing the light so much love here for you today it gives so much for being here you may slowly
open your eyes you're amazing this is a great way to start your day or whatever you want to
feel connected to your work thank you so much for being here again and give me a thoughts of you like that's comment below what you feel and of course subscribe so that you can
constantly tuned it to your Higher Self and we're secret messages and get into
with your best you only live one self talk to you soon
Call on: Ancestral Spirit, Energy for Body Healing, Help, Support Meditation
Feeling lost, body out of whack, under the weather, and want to connect back to a generous source of support and comfort?
Sometimes sickness, illness, or disease / dis ease, can be overcome with love...And what better love than to tune into the love from all of you, your heritage, and all that came before you.
Tune into the wisdom of that accumulated - to bring you the spirit of your past, history, and the energy of healing and feeling better.
Enjoy this healing spiritual meditation that connects you with your ancestral spirit of health, wellness, as you call on your ancestors for that special something something 🙂
Take them wherever you go (only the good juju's of course!)
Spiritual Energy
Now you may be wondering what energy and spirituality have to do with each other but they are very much connected to one another.
Spiritual energy is a real thing and is defined as “the manifestation of divine, pure love and, depending on an individual's religion, that love comes from a deity, deities or an energy that defies description and explanation. It's considered the life force that binds the soul to the body. In this concept, the soul is itself everlasting.”
Spiritual energy is important because it invokes feelings from your higher self and it made up of pure love for the world and all its inhabitants.
After self healing from a 15 year battle with a disease, Hani has distilled the most important learnings into a multi-cultural Bestselling Author of the You Only Live Once book and now, with her team, supports leaders, change makers, and impact driven entrepreneurs to build sustainable career and businesses so that they can contribute at their highest level. She supports holistic transformations through strategy, personal growth and practical spirituality (mindfulness).
The YUMMY Team’s clients span USA, Asia, Africa, Europe, and South America.
They are sought after by clients and partners like Singapore Management University, Chamber of Commerce’s, Lululemon, HER Global Network, Festivals, talks and private coaching.
The YOLO programs have spread across 350+ media outlets including ABC, NBC, FOX, BBC, and Forum of the Future.
Prior to coaching, Hani managed global digital marketing teams at Ogilvy & Mather. She also holds a Masters of Science degree in Innovation, is a Master NLP practitioner and has been a part of Stanford and Claremont Mckenna College.
YOLO Team - with Hani
After self healing from a 15 year battle with a disease, Hani has distilled the most important learnings into a multi-cultural Bestselling Author of the You Only Live Once book and now, with her team, supports leaders, change makers, and impact driven entrepreneurs to build sustainable career and businesses so that they can contribute at their highest level. She supports holistic transformations through strategy, personal growth and practical spirituality (mindfulness).
The YUMMY Team’s clients span USA, Asia, Africa, Europe, and South America.
They are sought after by clients and partners like Singapore Management University, Chamber of Commerce’s, Lululemon, HER Global Network, Festivals, talks and private coaching.
The YOLO programs have spread across 350+ media outlets including ABC, NBC, FOX, BBC, and Forum of the Future.
Prior to coaching, Hani managed global digital marketing teams at Ogilvy & Mather. She also holds a Masters of Science degree in Innovation, is a Master NLP practitioner and has been a part of Stanford and Claremont Mckenna College.
3 Law Of Attraction Coaching SecretsLaw of attraction is something about understanding that “vibrations attract vibrations”.It is “the attractive, magnetic[...]
International bestselling author, Speaker And Transformational Life & Business Innovation Coach.
Ying Han Cheng is a multi-cultural Bestselling Author of the YOLO book and founder of YOLO Close the Gap Program.
Growing up internationally and as a third cultured kid, she integrates her multi-cultural and the inter-disciplinary awareness when coaching on topics including Identity and Purpose. With Ying Han's multi-cultural background, wide range of tools, and creative neutro-coaching techniques, she has helped leaders, entrepreneurs and change-makers to reach their highest potential.
Get notifications on inspiring content, ground breaking mind hacks right to your inbox within ONE CLICK
International bestselling author, Speaker And Transformational Life & Business Innovation Coach.
Ying Han Cheng is a multi-cultural Bestselling Author of the YOLO book and founder of YOLO Close the Gap Program.
Growing up internationally and as a third cultured kid, she integrates her multi-cultural and the inter-disciplinary awareness when coaching on topics including Identity and Purpose. With Ying Han's multi-cultural background, wide range of tools, and creative neutro-coaching techniques, she has helped leaders, entrepreneurs and change-makers to reach their highest potential.