Finding Peace Within Yourself: Meditation and Stress
This blog is a follow up to the Meditation For Inner Peace blog. Today we will focus on finding peace within yourself. Primarily how meditation can help reduce stress and finding peace within yourself.
According to the Mayo Clinic meditation can help with stress and give emotional benefits such as :
Gaining a new perspective on stressful situations
Building skills to manage your stress
Increasing self-awareness
Focusing on the present
Reducing negative emotions
Increasing imagination and creativity
Increasing patience and tolerance
Another benefit is meditation will help you find peace within yourself
After you decide to meditate you will feel much more at peace and really feel stress free and you will finding peace within yourself.
Finding Peace Within Yourself: Meditations for Stress
#01: Letting Go of Anxiety, Stress, Refocus On Day
Sudden and unexplained stress, anxiety?
Pop in to relief that with this meditation 🙂
Take advantage of this anxiety meditation and challenge your beliefs
Click here to reveal "Letting Go of Anxiety" transcript
Let's get started in a seated position I want you to start raising your arms up to the sky
Take first big breath as you stretch breathing in and breathing out
Breathing in and breathing out
Right arm holding left arm up
Breathing in there relaxing your waist relaxing your knees
Breathe in you feel that spinal crackle as you stretch that part of it sometimes loads all the way to your neck breathing in
Breathing in and out
You want to do some leg stretches you can put your legs right up front and breathe in and out of that so the most important part is breathing in deeply into your stomach as deep as you can put your neck down facing downwards curling that in
All right so now put your arm facing upwards on your knees and begin breathing in and out deeply as you really sink into this time with yourself setting your intention for the practice
today in addition to releasing all anxiety or all the things that are on our mind that you not create weight to allow you to connect back to that space of solutions and infinite intelligence and infinite support set your personal intention to begin breathing in and out deeply as deep as you can throughout the whole thing I want you to really maintain that deep breath going in and out
Imagine a big white golden ball above your head as you put your palms facing upwards on your knees if you haven't already closing your eyes unless you breathe out match the big white salt bed below your bum in the middle of the ground that sings and draws all negative impurity is right down to the center of the earth so fingers have been influenced by what you watched
Just let all of that drop in your necks out breath breathing in this golden light of comfort and infinite and support and as you breathe out breathe out any forms of negativity and anxiety
At the same time imagine blue and purple light all around you this is your guardian this is your angels this is your support this is protecting you from anything else it's gonna come in your way that's gonna slow you from your center let that fire burn around you like a big sphere around you as you breathe in to this beautiful golden white light allowed to have your whole body breathe through it this is infinite support and then allow yourself to glow like your body each part of your
heart to glow like a Firefly that's magical throughout every single cell in your body so breathing that light every single cell in your body imagine that the trillions and trillions and cells and their
Light and as you breathe out allow each of those cells to start my reading and going outwards with that light even your stomach in your baggage
Every time I let it go it just drops to the center of your breathing in stuff waiting in beautiful golden white light incident wisdom peace center and grounding into your heart releasing any doubts fears anxieties falling into the sand the salt that are starting to form rooms like structures
up to the soldiers years breathing in knowing and confidence and self-esteem breathing out doubt resistance procrastination confusion a clarity and be given to you breathing in love light and complete
Breathe into your back living in lightness easeful is just real joy and knowing
I think is gonna be easy meeting in the knowingness that you've got this relaxing your knees and your thighs I'm breathing out any concerned releasing that free pack anyway
Breathing into your throats white light beautiful letting you to express the truth that's at the highest good to die as good and it's if we don't let anything that's in that way to release resolve and distinguish extinguish and again
Adding a whole body breathing that light in your whole body release any other things that may have been stuck somewhere just let that go taking deep breaths in and out now actually welcoming the energy of strength and conviction and breathing that in changing the energy and dropping any energies that are not in so that job that opening your chest have been receiving that infinite abundance of light knowingness and wisdom dropping anything that doesn't it was this store doesn't vibe with that believing in the ability to do and to do things in an
aligned way that matches your values and your constructs and your commitments
reading that in matching are you only live once commitments reading that in and landing of any resistance is for to you to do that early in the day or right now right after this meditation breathing in
Even if it's not a specific thing that's perfect there was a specific thing to just breathe into that specific thing I in breathe out and let it go lo that completed version of that thing
breathing it again complain a thing of that thing meaning that out into it getting in
Again really complete division of that other thing there I thought all right really
an appreciation for yourself breathing out a real appreciation for all of yourself
thank you so much for being here I love you
#02: Letting Go of Emotions
Before they go haywire, let's take care of them!
Utilize this guided meditation for letting go and resale stress and anxiety.
Click here to reveal "Letting of Emotions" transcript
All right so find a comfortable position wherever you are going to sleep and just sink into your spot you know want to stretch out a little bit first you can raise your arms upwards and breathe in first deep breath of the day or if you doing this the middle of the day that's great too and then
stretch the size as you breathe out
Breathing in with the right on down their direction breathing in breathing out
Facing forward arms like a tea squeezing the back muscles like peanut that's in the middle try to crack it and again ostrich out your legs you can put your legs two feet in front of you and then try to reach to the toes breathing in
I'm breathing out putting your legs in a comfortable position just wanna breathe in and out
throughout the rest of this meditation putting your palms facing upwards on your knees sinking into your meditative position imagine a beautiful white light above your head this is that light of healing of unconditional love closing your eyes to receive it breathing in
I'm breathing out
This is a light of motherly love of healing light that's any part of your body that needs healing just let it light up as you breathe into those parts of your body imagine big white would of your knees catching everything in your legs and then holding it and sucking all that stuff in your lower body to the bottom of the earth it's also connected to a bottom of your sacral or your butt drawing any residual emotions stuff in your body into the center of the air-breathing into those areas of the light and visualize that go down all the way to the center of the earth imagine a blue and purple light all around you this is the flame of protection and guardian throughout the
rest of your day or evening to protect you
To keep you safe keeping any energies or any thoughts any information that's unbeneficial to your outside breathing in deeply and breathing out deeply
Relaxing your back is well breathing in light and love and infinite healing and love into the back
and as you do that a lot of bad throughout your full body and your face is all in your neck
waiting into those areas and breathing out
Calling forth any stuck emotions into the surface letting them make their way to the front breathing into your heart golden light light beautiful healing light
Breathing into your head and allowing all the thoughts that no longer need to be here let go breathing that in
Breathing into love whatever emotions there needs to be cleared to let go of that allow that to drop into the center of the earth breathe into those areas one drop breathe into those areas
honouring the feelings that they've had
For you the messages that they have for you absorb it if there's any residual messages that you need to know let it absorb it breathing in really feel it and then let it go on your breath relaxing your mind
There's nothing that you need to worry about right now everything is the way that it's meant to be you're exactly where you're supposed to be breathing into that everything in front of you you have the ability to complete it wonderfully to your own standards into what needs to be called forth from you connect the divine confidence and abundance ideas service we know that when you are connected all as possible and you have the ability to create all that you're meant to create here
You divine self and your higher self than your inner wisdom is always with you it's in your heart in your body and always watching out for you it's always with you like a best friend holding your hand you've always got company and the support love your future you receive that support from your future you whatever capacity that you're able to breathing in and out
I had to measure their self that comfort that of support infinite support slowly open your eyes
thank you so much for being here you're
#03: Centering Meditation for After Conflict
The stress of arguments and conflicts can feel very invasive and heavy when not resolved healthily.
Even when they are resolved properly and lovingly/amicably - it can sometimes still cause you to feel 'off'.This is an opportunity to integrate all the beautiful lessons that the conflict contains so that you expand and evolve - to the next level - so that you grow and embody the improved or best version of you.
Because every time a conflict happens, you expand, you grow. There's another version of you that you learn to become.
Hold that learning and hold that growth - so that you can step out of old behavior patterns and old identities. It's quite cool.
And it also happens to everyone and every type of growth - even if it's done in an empowered way. Tune in, be sensitive, and maximize this growth.
Enjoy this free guided meditation.
Click here to reveal "Centering Meditation" transcript
I think we that let go of all tension concerns old identities that have been brought up into the center of the earth with a blank black slide that goes down just let that war down for it to be
needed and transformed inside the earth but times conflicts bring up a lot of your old self and your old identities and the old concerns and sometimes you've already graduated from them but
yet some of the triggers still happen for you and it's time to let that go so
as you breathe in gather all the parts of you interest and conscious mind to do this to come
together and then release it in your out-breath
Again let it all come together in the center of your heart or expand it as you breathe in and let it all go meeting in white bright light from above your head this is your essence your power your alignment your new center I'll have to flood through your whole body fill up your whole system
As you breathe out expand that for your body also imagine blue purple flame that's all around you in a circle protecting you from any other negative energies or any energies that are not related to your purpose or your team or your direction and your roundedness and who you're meant to be breathing in the bright white light turn on those lights click click of the sips and
moving in that light into that heart and then there's the exhale expanded throughout your body
and then you have there's anything to let go just let it go down to the center of the earth
Relaxing your whole body your neck your shoulders breathing enlightened to your shoulder blades and go of all the tension again two shoulder blades and any other parts of a body that has cult detection because of what has happened or what what you're experiencing just breathing light into those areas from the gold and white light above you really really bright
light and then exhale and I let it go relax your stomach as you breathe it again
I know you're hurt expand this light to the rest of you and then outside of you as well even through to the flames feeling safe and secure breathing in the light and breathing out acknowledging yourself as well for what has occurred and realizing what do you actually feel about it releasing oh that's in your way of seeing who you really are just release that what message and what lessons are there here for you to learn what was the purpose of this misalignment what's the purpose of this shocker what's the purpose - what - could you take away with you that is a highest good what news story can you tell yourself
If there were a way that you could show up differently let's rewrite the story imagine yourself doing it again and how would you have rather shown up we play at the conversation or the buyer which father do the most and seeing Wow definitely it you've done it to really honor your own integrity to yourself and your own beliefs and your own truth and I love whatever ideas to come into your head to be here with you so that they can show you from your inner self and your inner wisdom what could be better and what your higher self would have done instead if at all different or you can just be honoring how you've shown up you can also send you some a lot
appreciation of how actually you did well in this situation because all it's good it's always learning and experiencing getting better and better and better
Stay connected sync true to yourself or even noticing what parts of you've got triggered and stressed and feeling weird feeling on and not an alignment breathe into that higher self to open up and expand to through those ceilings we don't like to do that part of you that part didn't identify which part of your body tenses up or even that five set was not entirely great shilling light sending a healing light light something each part of yourself that has been hurt has grown or even you may feel like there's a bit of a void for you to grow into as you let go of all parts of your active parts let that go is you can come back to you
Come back to consciousness and you can really really be connected who you have grown to become breathe into that it's slowly open your house so in a conflict situation there oftentimes where two parties or two groups got together and they disagree on something and one of the coolest things that you can actually do is stay conscious and stay connected every step of the way and really tune into especially when it's a very personal kind of like tune into what is true for
you right now instead of falling into a pattern of behavior that you previously have been used to doing and in that sense you can really try to swarm and elevate your sense of being and your
sense of self and the situation and when you start creating more distance of getting less triggered or emotional when something shows up then you're really able to treat this as an experience of growth and a and experience that does not cause as much stress or agony
#04: Letting Go of What Other People Think Meditation Healing Process
Are other's opinions ruining your day? Need help finding peace within yourself?
Sometimes you can get caught up in circles of thoughts about what someone said, what you think they said, or what you think other's think of you.
Caring about it - while good to take it into consideration - does not need to be painful.You don't have to stop caring completely on what they think - or have no fear of all for your actions.
But, it's important to discern and be true to who you are - and decide who's opinions you actually value.
When you claim back your power - you claim back your self respect and control.
You got it - all you need it remember that all that pain - is self-created.
Click here to reveal "Letting Go of What Other People Think" transcript
Raise your right arm up left I'm holding the midsection of it and turn to the left waiting in relax your whole body I think we know another way beautiful all the way
Take your shoulder blades and and as you squeeze it as far as you can shoulders down do it again
Great now your body is ready for meditation palm facing up where's on your knees as you breathe in deeply in and out for the rest of this meditation getting deeper and deeper as
much as you can really allow your stomach to relax breathing in your first deep breath as you close your eyes allowing the vibrations to run through your body imagine a beautiful bottom relaxing your butt your ankles your needs and as you exhale exhale through the top of your head back into the sky through your mind clearing it
Just clear it as it goes back into the sky and do this on your own in the hill from the bottom of your butt blue gray purple under running through your body exhale let it clear everything in your head to be the top and when you go out I also log a big blue and purple flame using your heart to breathe so basically just imagine your heart drawing in the energy from all direction 360 degrees and then as you breathe out breathe that golden white light into your circle
expanded throughout your body
You feel tension add your own to find any other parts of your body attention and shine and breathe into that imagine that is an organ of breath drawing in the old
Exhale expanded in that area putting your focus on that tender spot or spot that used to eat oats
Okay relaxing the rest of your body as you do this beautiful job calling all parts of you calling calling where it's a self doubt who inside my body which part of my body is holding on to the feeling of being judged or being concerned with what other people think calling those parts for us
Whether you notice and he spots anybody and light up or any parts of your mind light up wherever those are allow them to receive this golden light just give the intention that all parts that needs it step forth really good gold and white light into all those parts let's meet up at that spread
I dunno just keep saying it I even if you get into the trance state it's perfect you just wanna keep allowing was to do on its own you don't have to control I do anything just like these healing processes take place as it heals all parts of you who used to be concerned of what others thought which that move through you will through you and sink into the center roughly areas escape from the top of your head or into the flames the little bit wolf lives that I've gotten underneath you
You are amazing you know the truth is what they think of you allow what they think of you to be really by roided-out their attachment to criticism sometimes because you want to improve or your concerns in it and let that vibrate through you like really shake it up to let that go
Gathering at your beautiful golden light but that shine through it vibrate through you because you were amazing you do what you needed to do you have done what you are meant to do you honestly here right now doing this practice shows that you care and you are amazing you are growing that you are improving and you shining your light in the world it's definitely gonna ruffle some feathers is definitely gonna make some people feel weird and you're light when they don't understand it sometimes allows you to be categorized in different places that hurts because that's not who you truly are her with those thing here at you there's a discord of who you really are you are so much better than that and they don't need to see that for you to know that
You have got to do that and you are ah so can you receive that though that those are there parts of you that are truly awesome and people have seen it you have seen it and what you're doing is amazing
#05: How To Stop Feeling Lonely, Sad
An inspired meditation to help you work through blocks to unlock that energy, motivation, enthusiasm even if you can't pinpoint why you're not on full force - and strengthen your mission if you already are! Some say disappointment - hidden in the unconscious - or conscious - is the emotions that's stopping you from truly feeling 'unashamedly' present, open and excited to receive the day.
Whether it is a let down by a person, a situation, or even a little nagging accumulation of past moments - this meditation will resonate with those parts and pull it through to be digested - and emptied - to welcome in the new energy - new light - new enthusiasm - gently. Because - Why not! 😉 Clean your emotional body/room and see what inspiration comes after. Enjoy!!!
Click here to reveal "How To Stop Feeling Lonely Sad" transcript
Today's topic and theme that we're gonna talk about is how to get over sadness how to stop feeling sadness how to stop feeling loneliness especially when you wake up in the morning and suddenly you just feel like there is a little cloud above your head on your heart and sometimes that doesn't mean that there's anything wrong specifically just means that there is unprocessed emotion that you can take a look at and process that instead of ignore it if you're not sensitive towards that don't worry like this will also help you go deeper within or to heal anything that's going to bother you from here on out not all of it but as much as you're ready to today
So if you are feeling a little bit off this is gonna help you if you're feeling there's a sense of sadness and loneliness that you've been feeling for a while and you haven't really had time to address it today is the day if you're feeling that you know what I really want to practically take a look at this instead of just watch different how-to videos and skip over and really deal with it in a very physical and visceral way which we just basically means I want to feel it because feeling in motion is one of the ways of how to let it go effectively so that the next layer can reveal itself or you can just start peeling away each fillet of that emotion
This is the place for YouTube so thanks for you here and let's jump it in so in a comfortable seated position please cross your legs and start raising your arms to the top we're going to do a little stretch before we start our meditation as always where's the top take a deep breath in and then took my bottoms around you take a deep breath out move your neck to one side deep
breath in
Deep breath in deep breath out
All the way to the bottom of your belly do you press out and a liar's a full your sit bones out and as I put your palms home ceasing outwards on your knees but let's just stretch on the wrist first I could lift your arm but it's straight out hold your fingers pull it backwards translates to
breathe into that stretch we need without sending energy and love to this judge using an intention hadn't just the stream of love go there same thing on the other side I sent out was breathing out beautiful
All right now so it was like you want to also take a deep breath of the up ham scored every ounce just as a safety I did this I remember therapy freedom technique yesterday that was really fun to use scent as a way of healing and processing and that was really comforting we used to inhale them to know that I realized even if you do it without scent it's also very comforting so you basically do a nose tent like this if you cover enemy inhale all the weights here
I'm putting your hands above your knees imagine a beautiful gold and my alight above your head may close your eyes now gently letting it fall and allowing yourself to really appreciate yourself for making this time for you to really take a look at these emotions wherever they are and whatever intensity and they are you can do this early in the morning or you can do this before you sleep or even during the day but it's really good to just take this time and really allow yourself to spend this little amount of time with yourself with your inner world
I can waterfall allow it to come into your heart front and back of your heart allowed to expire that hard each breath inside you allow that to flow through and with each out breath you're allowed to expand everybody yeah
My results also have a big group to the bottom of the earth the root release while yourself to release any old patterns of sadness loneliness a lot of this stuff has been carried on for a really long time when I was ready to allow that you reach the center of the earth and the annihilated to be resolved to be transmuted but you don't even need to solve it right now just let that all drop down in there next out breath breathing in
Fill your body with love and light and how breath letting everything that doesn't serve this I bration or this feeling of empty piece default lightness emptiness and the neutrality waiting in
colonists being breathing in and out yourself for a couple of times breathing in what you want and being out what you don't want into the center of the earth but every ready also allow yourself to have a beautiful around you protectors of your energy protecting you for the rest of the day burning on anything that doesn't need to be here anymore
Really entire system along everything that doesn't need to be here just illuminate as if we had two eyes agree that a lot to shoot slightly ever so slightly into those slings we're doing it to eat you waiting deeply into her I need a priest yeah allowing your heart to do the breathing nice a exhale allowed to expand releasing and revealing some of the other wounds that it might have that it doesn't think that it could be healed or
is just there a little bit before
I think nothing bad it's just tuning into it allows it to be respected and honored for what it is allow yourself to feel happy that you have feelings and that it's okay and even if it's a feeling of numbness allow yourself to draw whatever feelings there's here allow those feelings are all joined together in front of you as you breathe in and out into a ball you don't need to know what they are just allow any feelings positive or not gonna have to enjoy it forth by all the feelings that are ready to joy and forth in front of you breathing into that ball and exhale into that ball right in front of you whatever feeling is present right now right here that needs to want to joy join come out people everything in and out yourself as you ask more and more feelings whatever is here to join stand up come on and join us you are all invited and then allow all the feelings in this
ball it is getting one less around your body one less time around your body taking up any other feelings that might want to join and breaking them up putting on the ball what musty breath to do that
I mean to the whole body and as he without shooting any feeling listen to that Bell
shading it into that ball and now let all of the ceilings go positive and negative just let that flow into a sky into your route into their fire just let that go so that you can receive new feelings new emotions whatever just let that go trusting that you will always have whatever you need
are you ready blings whoever wants to go to leave the space knowing that it's safe where whatever is safe and healthy to let go of just like that flick away usually as many feelings list you hadn't attached to his letter and even better he can--what been a whole wolf Lincoln to this guy just like a pinball lunging breathing in and how allowing that all those who wants to leave ideally any feelings of loneliness of sadness all of the belated wants to leave almost everything to leave
Say goodbye to them thinking they were being here while they lasted thank you for teaching me how to work with emotions inspired me to be here today to work through this to work through you good things pal I know you've been around for a while thank you for being with me I'll let you go I free you free those emotions free away for you stay with the mistaken ected I'm gonna let them goes to feel them to feel them to let them know that they can
Go nothing is achieved without feeling nothing is like howling without being sent aired healing takes place in the now allow yourself to open the spot of where it is nobody and you put your attention on there and it's in your heart and it's a nurse any part of your body weave in and out to through that spot to let the feelings and that's wrong too the deep everything is here sometimes too
A few last egress allowed all feeling someone le leave and just conduct it as hidden select them to solve asking for your shoulders your back where'd that go receiving elephants of today's practice meeting in slowly pulling yourself back to the present
#06: How To Quiet The Busy Mind Productivity Ninja Calm Meditation Clear A Busy, Overwhelmed Mind
Chitter chatter of the busy mind interrupting your thoughts? Creating worry, anxiety, stress?
Can't connect to what matters because everything is moving fast and you're feeling pressured? Tune in, tune in, tune in...To calm this down.
No better time than this for this FAST meditation and visualization!
Click here to reveal "How To Quiet The Busy Mind" transcript
Placing yo my hands on top of your knees palms facing upwards
it starts thinking into your practice thinking yourself for being here thinking yourself for staying until the end as much as you can buzzy tuned into this meditative state for yourself letting go of all worries thoughts into the center of the earth connected by a root imagine a big white root from the bottom of your tailbone connecting it to the center of the earth as you breathe
in from this gold and wild light from above this is a light of clarity the light of comfort the light of abundance
The light of knowing you are exactly where you need to be doing exactly what you need to do this natural sense of prioritization this natural sense of certainty clarity confidence that you know exactly what you're doing let that flow through exhale everything that questions that anything that does not align to waiting in the knowing that you being connected to yourself allows you to show up with the best version of the best decisions the most aligned decisions to your heart good and to the highest good of all breathing that in
I'm letting everything that doesn't match that go keeping your eyes closed the session really breathes deeply in and out as you listen to the rest of this guided meditation a lot of yourself to have a blue and purple flame around you protection of guardian angels Guardian Energy's
Guardian flames to make sure that everything that doesn't have mine birds and transmuted transformed reassigned to something that does align with you reading golden white light in you again
Raising all of the vibrations and all of the parts of your bodies to that higher good higher self exhale many lower vibrations any past thoughts identities worries stressors frustrations into the fire self-doubt breathing an amazing golden light light let that flood you you know clarity everything is perfect everything she really tell me about having gratitude for your space having
gratitude for you being here and you even being able to be by now and sort of
me right here it's time that you have for yourself wherever you are this is gorgeous this is delicious breathing that and the ability to take a little bit of time on your day too with yourself to align what luxury when of the work or the concerns that the mind has letting go of your stomach any parts are since we're seven any type of doubt deeply breathing in and out again bring it in the good bringing in the alignment and expelling and exhaling all that doesn't need to be here anymore feeling connected with a connection higher source to the secrets of the
Universe the opportunities to the flow that you'll experience today in your work and occur in your day feel that flow allow it to be with you as a companion as a fragment for the rest of your day
traffic next to you trying to stand right next to you beautiful random as flowers in here into the way a little bit breathing in but it wash over you and let anything that doesn't serve you zoom out wash out of here with every cell and try yourself to expel that both through that did you let that go?
Let's make shoulders down shine your heart out to the people we were meant this overflowing abundance of water for life with your chest up in your faces the shining out all those clients all of those people you see them as individual heart shining as and the light and time living in the light again
Comforting all parts of you knowing that you got this you know it hey what you need to do for second and third as long as are connected to this beautiful space that you have within
Yourself whatever space the space is for you as perfect for right now it's exactly what you need right now exactly or immensity you are exactly where you're meant to me today at this moment with all the things that this day brings this is exactly what you're meant to do
look at it from this lens knowing that there are no accidents today putting and seeing the meaning and the profoundness being you're doing so that you are connected to the being first what you are right
Now what you're feeling before you set out each task or action be the first as he breathin that being three more times I still wouldn't buy this meeting for the rest of your day slowly uppity right
I think it's so much fun being here and as usual in being where you are perfectly wherever you are in the wind it really isn't anything you need to change and anything that you do anything comes next into your life after this time together which thank you so much your rock is basically start from here start from this place and then go and do something else it will really change and shift the way that you experience it
The more meditations you do the more you are able to reconnect with the spiritual space
I didn't even realize that they already had known about this or rather had written about this so many years ago and that is one of the highly effective practices anyway so good on you for being here connecting with your higher spiritual self and connecting with that if you like this
this helped you thumbs up comment below how you feel and of course subscribe more is tuning in to what you need whatever wanting and then creating meditation videos to support that thank you so much for being here you rock
Those feelings that you don't want? They don't have to be here. That reaction? That annoyance?
That burn, that powerful emotion?
Sometimes emotions are great - but other times it engulf you...Or worse - They are as mall drip in the back of your mind, knocking your self confidence down... When you let unhealthy voices, or unhealthy and unserving negative energy in your mind - Or, if you're not doing the work to neutralize it... (because as an empathic person - you do pick this up).
Then it gets stuck within you. And you're not performing or being your highest and truest self.So, let this be the healing meditation to heal those burnt emotions, those powerful emotions - to ground you.
More powerful, empowered, happier and all that good positive feeling stuff. Enjoy this music meditation today!
Thanks for doing this for yourself!
Click here to reveal "Releasing Negative People" transcript
Right so in your seated position I want you to stretch upwards all right
Breathing in
Breathe out
Breathing in
Go to your back and start stretching your pelvis up as law breathing in I'll see if I can do it here breathing out breathing in
Anyway you want imagine yourself like a cat you get stressed anyway which the left waiting in her rainbow just blow and yourself to really stretch to all parts of your body
All right so I never already put your palms facing upwards on your knees and breathe in and out and in and out for the duration of this meditation closing your eyes and flashing this light contains your essence you're loved
Your heart breathing all that in deeply but let it go anything yeah to tell them it comes in contact like that imagine a blue and purple flame circle around you clearing out any negative energy is any negative things energy trainers lately negativity let those or those interactions go to the flame in
Breath breathing and light then the out-breath just let that drop we're going to the fire do this a couple of times and ran into the light let all the negative parts that got stirred up into the fire or to the center of the earth releasing tension and negativity of any emotion on that way that came up
Yourself to connect to anything that may have bothered you or anything what was this all about
bringing then to the foreground as you breathe in light and love and compassion into it
Letting go of those thoughts letting that drop into the center of the earth having a connection to their line that is slowly assured of your sister and to go of that fully a lot up to you the whole lot any parts of you that is resonating with anything you don't want just let that join that flow love let it go into the center of the earth cleansing your legs washing you infinite understanding infinite compassion
For whatever situations that came in - vision just let that all go
#08: Guided Meditation for Stress Release | Challenge Your Calm
Thoughts, running self doubt, stress, things and situations that you just replay and replay and replay in your mind. When are they going to stop!? How to stop these thoughts from invading your mind?
Here - we not only challenge that - we challenge you to stay calm. By staying focused on your breath amidst sounds, interruptions, annoying things - you train yourself to return to a place of peace.
I hope you find this as fun - and challenging as we did!
This meditation is positioned more as a challenge to that calm (where the goal is to keep breathing, and keep emptying your mind) ----- can you do it?
Will you do it? Listen in and see how deep you can go despite all the chatter of your mind!Now, or save it for later.For only 13 minutes, give yourself that time to empty, empty, empty that out...
Click here to reveal "Guided Meditation for Stress Release" transcript
All right so in a comfortable position you want to just kind of tune into your body and
see what other parts that wants to stretch out oh it's your wrist stretch your wrist out if it's your thighs you can stretch your thighs out any direction you want as long as you're
able to tune in and give that a little bit of a stretch
Okay so whenever you're ready you just want to put your back your hands onto your knees and your palms facing upwards and start getting into your meditative state as you breathe in and out deeply throughout the entire breathing in breathing out
Remember every time you breathe in you and I waded in from an open chest with your shoulders barely feeling anything relaxing completely and your face completely relaxed as you
read it and you've made help every time you breathe out let everything in your body bottom of the earth connected by a big root
Breathing in
Breathing out
Imagine a beautiful yellow golden star above your head yeah but a flutter was body into every
soul and you can go to hips your legs and all of the parts of a body that needs
healing just to start and breathe out into the areas do it again
Say hello every sound to rise through every moment to come let's breathe it now
allow yourself to really really tune into your star allowing men to flood you with a beautiful allow that to really be here for you to support you to heal different parts of yourself as you breathe in
without also gold purple blue flame around you in a circle allowing anything feelings and confusion to let that go allowing us to go to the side that slowly we believe you're safe breathing in comfort really good care ring and sickness breathing at all that you need to let go breathing in love breathing in light breathing in all that you want and breathing out that is need to be here
Breathing in light breathing of love let go of any little annoyances that you feel any emotions that got stirred up really tuning into yourself and it's all the bustling and the areas which life is made about you to just breathe into that light
I'll let go about me everything that doesn't serve you allow yourself to feel comfortable
connected comes into your space allow yourself to have that removed
allow yourself to allow yourself to really enjoy this moment that you took for yourself
appreciation knowing that you will by the universe always supported by their larger workings of the earth you're part of theirs and you're connected and all you need feelings
You've forgotten that this is that you were you that you need like a let's me stay convicted see breathe in and now in the last minute or so we then all as much light as he can as much magic for synchronicities as he can be that as much and I can do a metaphor for our busy mind and so
thank you so much for being here
#09: Letting Go Of Unexpected Stress, Guided Meditation For Anxiety
Unexpected stressors pop up all the time - things that hit you from left field and in turn throw you off your balance, overthinking, over-obsessing, confused, and sometimes even discouraged and doubtful.
How do you stay connected and calm while that happens?Stay tuned in the next 18 mins to reconnect.
Let every additional sound of the outdoors bring you deeper and deeper in connection 🙂
Click here to reveal "Letting Go Of Unexpected Stress" transcript
Move your body around a bit stretch it out and moving up
and leave your side body stretch left side holding right arm to the left side body great thank you
begin breathing out and then left arm out beautiful actually did this but it takes
Now put your arms in front of you stretch downwards breathing in breathing out and then backwards yawn breathing in breathing out alright
Now put your palms in your eyes breathing in breathing out inhale and exhale good I'll help just sit bones up peel them up arms like this on your knees facing upwards anybody to do a meditation inhale exhale inhale exhale inhale exhale inhale and a beautiful setting imagine that you are in one of those beautiful setting right you are breathing in breathing out
imagine that it beautiful light I'm about your soul star is shining down and loving and get capsulated and caress and every part of your body and so life
flows through you
Imagine that lights blowing through you spreading through your body and your heart and it swirls through you loving each part of your body and finding all parts of yourself that are holding onto an old identity holding on to an old version of yourself we begin that beautiful life on breathe out
Let those parts of yourself that are clinging on show breathing in and breathing now this and growingly a beautiful root down to the center of the earth and allowing the parts of you that are clinging on to escape to just share them out of your body exhale old identity inhale and exhale
inhale and exhale resting all the chatter of your mind trusting not worrying about the future
but trusting that whatever you've done in the past is enough
Accepting that you have done enough and everything is good enough even if you want to improve the future that does not diminish what you have already accomplished our everybody completed reading in don't do anything out freeing in exhale making a bad bubble of love
and enough to surround you trying on blue bubble flow store texting and movies and exhale inhale exhale inhale the same letting go of all that you're worried about trusting that the next
time you do something similar the next time the opportunity arises you will integrate and have lessons and your intuition that will be out that will naturally use and flow through breathing
in improving anything reading in bed reading out long blessing of love acceptance and congratulations
Breathing in trust and love your abilities and your capabilities breathing in your lovingly and expand that to feel that's big as a breath as you can and breathing out fear of being yourself yeah that what you do is enough yeah but you need to conform breathing in trust of your team and your surrounding trusting that you have what it takes to make the best and have the most value and bring in the most value from this surrounding that's a personal life or a professional might be that and through that knowing in that that it is a way that you can make it work without
other conflicting ideas conflicting behavior conflicting thoughts that arise there is don't serve you believing that you can trust breathing in trust of your surroundings breathing out feelings of aloneness feelings of scarcity feelings of pain made that out breathing in trust of all of your surroundings all of the things that are supporting you your environment your culture whatever
that is breathing in the parts that support you and allow it to fully flow through you and breathing on all parts
That sense of demise out breathing in chest and breathing out confusion trust negative trust that things will not turn out the way you want to let that phone whoo breathing in test self-trust world trust direction Trust testing your intuition and yourself that you will always do the right thing for you and for your intentions and your commitment in a community and new people keep breathing that in breathing out letting go of the seduction of conflict of drama of what may be seducing you to pay attention to let that go take your attention to another place breathing in
Trust breathing out taking surgically removing everything in your body like little pins
and needles scratching scrunching going through like little tiny hairs cleaning cleaning
cleaning cleaning all the parts of you that no longer trust yourself more than
any last little bit of not trusting what it isn't what's here and what
Let that go let that go thank you for you to get chest on the faces and the things that you've left anything out all the lease people to chooses that no longer serve you trusting that you have the ability you have the courage to do what it takes to make the people to make the friends meet the people that you love trust meeting that in and breathing out breathing in breathing out breathing and keep the deep person out continuously breathing out you are magnificent cleaning in you have everything that it takes to do everything that you want you know all you need is seek your next read again breathing out
All you need is to connect to source all you need is to briefly step forth breathing in breathing out like a statement glow and be fun feeding in reading on your past does not hold you back your past beliefs don't hold you back it's your present it's who you are right now that's able to give
you the force the momentum the love that it takes to create what you want your life is all about now your love is here right now for what you want to create and what you desire to share in the world right here right now breathing in breathing out cuz you love this world you love yourself your true feeling for yourself is love whatever there was the court doesn't matter
because right now right here it's full of the most genuine love and whenever you can feel or can't feel whatever that is right now right here what you feel right now is the love that's enough for
yourself to create the most beautiful day
The most aligned day for you ahead breathing in breathing out expand the ceiling breathe again
bathing out breathing in and breathing out moving in carry this love of who constantly releasing your past permanently loving yourself loving the world loving how you can be in all the transformations that will happen accepting that this right now your full presence is where you're meant to be and that your next steps where the old breathing in three most important things
you need to accomplish you need to go forth you need to put energy into let them reveal themselves or even one one two three feet again get the first one let the first one flows through
breathing in whatever care is not here is fine just let the essence of the first one vote through give you concrete direct and systemic or can be a feeling breathing in breathing out resistance
it's making that happen in the time frame that you want getting out breathing in second thing that wants your attention second thing that you can move forward breathing out good awesome thought that take me love that keep moving in third most important thing that needs your
attention beating in breathing out light love and whatever it is it takes get that out breathing in again what that feels like the things there thing calling third thing are you there are you there are you there are you there or are you so think reading in breathing in yeah maybe it's just joy maybe it's just a feeling that you need a whole for new home
The first two things I maybe it's a concrete thing breathing that and breathing out there is and the need for tension breathing out all
#10: Trust, Letting Go Old Identity, Worry, Fear, Judgement, Self | Meditation | YOLO Emotions
Judgment, pain, fear of vulnerability, fear of rejection often plague our ability to fully shine and be ourselves.
Worry, anxiety, tough thoughts seep in... and we are caught in a battle to silence them and ignore them - rather than being fully present in the now.
A lot of this is from the past, our identity, how we feel about ourselves...Let this meditation process that for you and increase self-love, self-trust, and self-acceptance ---- 3 components that hold the power no matter how confident or raw you are feeling right now.
Enjoy this meditation to find peace within yourself.
Click here to reveal "Trust Letting Go" transcript
Move your body around a bit stretch it out and moving up
and leave your side body stretch left side holding right arm to the left side body great thank you
begin breathing out and then left arm out beautiful actually did this but it takes
Now put your arms in front of you stretch downwards breathing in breathing out and then backwards yawn breathing in breathing out alright
Now put your palms in your eyes breathing in breathing out inhale and exhale good I'll help just sit bones up peel them up arms like this on your knees facing upwards anybody to do a meditation inhale exhale inhale exhale inhale exhale inhale and a beautiful setting imagine that you are in one of those beautiful setting right you are breathing in breathing out
imagine that it beautiful light I'm about your soul star is shining down and loving and get capsulated and caress and every part of your body and so life
flows through you
Imagine that lights blowing through you spreading through your body and your heart and it swirls through you loving each part of your body and finding all parts of yourself that are holding onto an old identity holding on to an old version of yourself we begin that beautiful life on breathe out
Let those parts of yourself that are clinging on show breathing in and breathing now this and growingly a beautiful root down to the center of the earth and allowing the parts of you that are clinging on to escape to just share them out of your body exhale old identity inhale and exhale
inhale and exhale resting all the chatter of your mind trusting not worrying about the future
but trusting that whatever you've done in the past is enough
Accepting that you have done enough and everything is good enough even if you want to improve the future that does not diminish what you have already accomplished our everybody completed reading in don't do anything out freeing in exhale making a bad bubble of love
and enough to surround you trying on blue bubble flow store texting and movies and exhale inhale exhale inhale the same letting go of all that you're worried about trusting that the next
time you do something similar the next time the opportunity arises you will integrate and have lessons and your intuition that will be out that will naturally use and flow through breathing
in improving anything reading in bed reading out long blessing of love acceptance and congratulations
Breathing in trust and love your abilities and your capabilities breathing in your lovingly and expand that to feel that's big as a breath as you can and breathing out fear of being yourself yeah that what you do is enough yeah but you need to conform breathing in trust of your team and your surrounding trusting that you have what it takes to make the best and have the most value and bring in the most value from this surrounding that's a personal life or a professional might be that and through that knowing in that that it is a way that you can make it work without
other conflicting ideas conflicting behavior conflicting thoughts that arise there is don't serve you believing that you can trust breathing in trust of your surroundings breathing out feelings of aloneness feelings of scarcity feelings of pain made that out breathing in trust of all of your surroundings all of the things that are supporting you your environment your culture whatever
that is breathing in the parts that support you and allow it to fully flow through you and breathing on all parts
That sense of demise out breathing in chest and breathing out confusion trust negative trust that things will not turn out the way you want to let that phone whoo breathing in test self-trust world trust direction Trust testing your intuition and yourself that you will always do the right thing for you and for your intentions and your commitment in a community and new people keep breathing that in breathing out letting go of the seduction of conflict of drama of what may be seducing you to pay attention to let that go take your attention to another place breathing in
Trust breathing out taking surgically removing everything in your body like little pins
and needles scratching scrunching going through like little tiny hairs cleaning cleaning
cleaning cleaning all the parts of you that no longer trust yourself more than
any last little bit of not trusting what it isn't what's here and what
Let that go let that go thank you for you to get chest on the faces and the things that you've left anything out all the lease people to chooses that no longer serve you trusting that you have the ability you have the courage to do what it takes to make the people to make the friends meet the people that you love trust meeting that in and breathing out breathing in breathing out breathing and keep the deep person out continuously breathing out you are magnificent cleaning in you have everything that it takes to do everything that you want you know all you need is seek your next read again breathing out
All you need is to connect to source all you need is to briefly step forth breathing in breathing out like a statement glow and be fun feeding in reading on your past does not hold you back your past beliefs don't hold you back it's your present it's who you are right now that's able to give
you the force the momentum the love that it takes to create what you want your life is all about now your love is here right now for what you want to create and what you desire to share in the world right here right now breathing in breathing out cuz you love this world you love yourself your true feeling for yourself is love whatever there was the court doesn't matter
because right now right here it's full of the most genuine love and whenever you can feel or can't feel whatever that is right now right here what you feel right now is the love that's enough for
yourself to create the most beautiful day
The most aligned day for you ahead breathing in breathing out expand the ceiling breathe again
bathing out breathing in and breathing out moving in carry this love of who constantly releasing your past permanently loving yourself loving the world loving how you can be in all the transformations that will happen accepting that this right now your full presence is where you're meant to be and that your next steps where the old breathing in three most important things
you need to accomplish you need to go forth you need to put energy into let them reveal themselves or even one one two three feet again get the first one let the first one flows through
breathing in whatever care is not here is fine just let the essence of the first one vote through give you concrete direct and systemic or can be a feeling breathing in breathing out resistance
it's making that happen in the time frame that you want getting out breathing in second thing that wants your attention second thing that you can move forward breathing out good awesome thought that take me love that keep moving in third most important thing that needs your
attention beating in breathing out light love and whatever it is it takes get that out breathing in again what that feels like the things there thing calling third thing are you there are you there are you there are you there or are you so think reading in breathing in yeah maybe it's just joy maybe it's just a feeling that you need a whole for new home
The first two things I maybe it's a concrete thing breathing that and breathing out there is and the need for tension breathing out all
For more on finding peace within yourself make sure to read this blog on staying calm!
After self healing from a 15 year battle with a disease, Hani has distilled the most important learnings into a multi-cultural Bestselling Author of the You Only Live Once book and now, with her team, supports leaders, change makers, and impact driven entrepreneurs to build sustainable career and businesses so that they can contribute at their highest level. She supports holistic transformations through strategy, personal growth and practical spirituality (mindfulness).
The YUMMY Team’s clients span USA, Asia, Africa, Europe, and South America.
They are sought after by clients and partners like Singapore Management University, Chamber of Commerce’s, Lululemon, HER Global Network, Festivals, talks and private coaching.
The YOLO programs have spread across 350+ media outlets including ABC, NBC, FOX, BBC, and Forum of the Future.
Prior to coaching, Hani managed global digital marketing teams at Ogilvy & Mather. She also holds a Masters of Science degree in Innovation, is a Master NLP practitioner and has been a part of Stanford and Claremont Mckenna College.
YOLO Team - with Hani
After self healing from a 15 year battle with a disease, Hani has distilled the most important learnings into a multi-cultural Bestselling Author of the You Only Live Once book and now, with her team, supports leaders, change makers, and impact driven entrepreneurs to build sustainable career and businesses so that they can contribute at their highest level. She supports holistic transformations through strategy, personal growth and practical spirituality (mindfulness).
The YUMMY Team’s clients span USA, Asia, Africa, Europe, and South America.
They are sought after by clients and partners like Singapore Management University, Chamber of Commerce’s, Lululemon, HER Global Network, Festivals, talks and private coaching.
The YOLO programs have spread across 350+ media outlets including ABC, NBC, FOX, BBC, and Forum of the Future.
Prior to coaching, Hani managed global digital marketing teams at Ogilvy & Mather. She also holds a Masters of Science degree in Innovation, is a Master NLP practitioner and has been a part of Stanford and Claremont Mckenna College.
3 Law Of Attraction Coaching SecretsLaw of attraction is something about understanding that “vibrations attract vibrations”.It is “the attractive, magnetic[...]
International bestselling author, Speaker And Transformational Life & Business Innovation Coach.
Ying Han Cheng is a multi-cultural Bestselling Author of the YOLO book and founder of YOLO Close the Gap Program.
Growing up internationally and as a third cultured kid, she integrates her multi-cultural and the inter-disciplinary awareness when coaching on topics including Identity and Purpose. With Ying Han's multi-cultural background, wide range of tools, and creative neutro-coaching techniques, she has helped leaders, entrepreneurs and change-makers to reach their highest potential.
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International bestselling author, Speaker And Transformational Life & Business Innovation Coach.
Ying Han Cheng is a multi-cultural Bestselling Author of the YOLO book and founder of YOLO Close the Gap Program.
Growing up internationally and as a third cultured kid, she integrates her multi-cultural and the inter-disciplinary awareness when coaching on topics including Identity and Purpose. With Ying Han's multi-cultural background, wide range of tools, and creative neutro-coaching techniques, she has helped leaders, entrepreneurs and change-makers to reach their highest potential.