Explore your Perfect Orgasm!
Orgasms are one of the most energizing experiences that increase your flow and your wellbeing. Our thesis is, when you're in "Your Yummy Self”, in integrity with who you truly are, all else flows. In this article we address the perspective and approach and also address FAQs for physical specifics - make sure you read through all~ or skim at least! To find the part that speaks to you the most. 🙂
When you're able to connect to the pleasure that's specifically created within you, for you, the light, magical, sparkly (or nuanced gentle calm) vibe reverberates through you - Your unique pleasure is the perfect orgasm for you!
There's a sense of freedom that comes with accepting your pleasure and let it live in your body in that beautiful, accepting, all empowering way. It is the basis of full self pleasure, acceptance and empowerment.
In the decades of being fascinated by how our beautiful bodies and spirits can create, experience and enjoy such a wide variety of pleasure ( inhibited, non-inhibited and within whatever limitations), we're found one thing:
When you're liberated with your innate ability to experience the sensations your body can produce - your quotient of liberation elevates.
That's why I'm so excited to share these insights with you, from an energetic perspective, some physiological perspectives and holistic perspective on how you can access your perfect orgasm any time, anywhere...
(Even if you have medical conditions, even if it may hurt, even if you swore it off! At least, I'll try my best to help! 😉 )
... And expand your energy from the inside out to tap into the eternal source of overflowing aliveness that awaits you!
Understanding Your Perfect Orgasm
Your perfect orgasm is actually discovering what is perfection to you.
The toughest thing is that we're always searching for a perfect answer and the right way of doing things or the right set of actions.
However, that may not always be useful because that means a perfect. If we condition ourselves that the perfect orgasm is earth shattering, body shaking, life oozing, brain-escaping, out of body experiences - then, what happens to all the other types of orgasms?
Does that automatically exclude everything else?
Does it automatically set everything else as mediocre, subpar, or even, a sad failed attempt?
I'd like to introduce a winning concept:
What if, every orgasm, when experienced to the highest possible level of pleasure that you can experience in that moment, is the perfect orgasm? - @haniabundance
Why limit yourself to ONE type of orgasm when you can explore a different type, every single session? - @haniabundance
If you define it as one way, then you are not always going to hit it.
Broaden your definition of your perfect orgasm.
Encompasses that every moment could potentially be a perfectly orgasmic one. That way, your perfect orgasm is always accessible. Everyone is happy.
" But, it doesn't count!" body or something else may rebel,
" Hani, not all pleasure is orgasm!" - Something may whine or be curious or wonder about...
Made a video below to give you the quick 10 ways to an expanded view of your perfect orgasm
Embracing Your Body's Pleasure Potential
Let's dive into understanding the magic of your body! You've got this amazing thing called the clitoris, the star of your pleasure universe.
It's so much more than what meets the eye, extending deep inside your pelvic cavity. Think of it as your personal pleasure powerhouse.
And then there's the G-spot, like a hidden gem inside you, waiting to be discovered. It's a spot of intense joy, just inside your vagina. Remember, your body is a wonderland of pleasure!
And then, even more, there's a whole world of sensitivity, energetic orgasm, emotional orgasm, and orgasms that transcend!
The Power of Mind and Emotion
Hey, achieving that earth-shattering orgasm isn't just about the physical touch. It's a dance of the mind and body.
Your emotions, how you feel about yourself, and how connected you are with your partner, play huge roles.
Feeling relaxed, valued, and safe? That's your golden ticket to a more fulfilling sexual experience. Open up, talk about what feels good, and let your mind be as engaged as your body.
Overcoming Orgasm Challenges
Understand what are your blocks to that perfection and that perfect orgasm
A lot of people believe that orgasm is just a couple of contractions or a series of contractions within a given amount of time. This definition has been actually defined by researchers and scientists in the 50s and the 70s and was largely due to male or orgasms or male climaxes.
But in a female world, the "perfect" orgasm is different.
In addition to that, a lot of knowledge and a lot of experiences have evolved. To be able to experience a full range of full-body orgasms and different versions of it, you've got to be able to understand what is blocking you.
Blocks come in the form of any thought that makes you feel bad, wrong or depleted.
It is always a good practice to remove any anxiety or worry from your emotional field around your orgasm (I wrote and recorded a bunch of resources here to support you)
For example, if you feel not confident about your body or you feel like you've never done it before in a way that is completely unique or completely satisfying, and let that be a dominant thought, it can distract you from being more relaxed 🙂
Simply be aware!
Other blocks can include the inherent "wrongness" some society's have placed upon sexual pleasure. Perhaps there's a connotation of pressure to perform like someone you've seen or something you've seen before - which makes it inauthentic to you...
And so many others - what blocks you?
Understanding what your blocks are and being aware at that moment when you decide whether or not you want to go over, it can support you to hold your pleasure and allow that to expand into a natural bloom of an orgasm.
Redefining Your Perfect Orgasm
The pleasure of experiencing perfect orgasm is not only a goal-oriented.
It is the full experience.
Every step of the journey matters and the journey in itself can be defined as the orgasm itself as well.
A perfect orgasm is not just about the end goal, but the journey as well. - @haniabundance
The whole journey matters, and the more you can enjoy the journey, the more orgasmic that experience is.
Redefining that orgasm to something that is doable in the timeframe that you have. If you always have to reach a certain point in every single moment and time that you spend with yourself or you spend with your partner, then that's so much pressure.
Understand the components of your infinite perfection in orgasmic pleasure
The two main important components of pleasure is that number one, it is infinite.
No matter where you are at in your life, what moment you are at, no matter what second you are at, when you're feeling yourself and you're touching and producing sensual experiences for yourself, pleasure is infinite.
Meaning, you can grow it as much as you want, as far as you want and it doesn't end. So the more you can grow it, the more pleasure you can have.
The second point is that your pleasure is always full at the given amount of time in the given moment. When you understand this concept and when you really embody this concept, then you'll experience your full potential of your specific perfect orgasm.
Relax into your Perfect Orgasm
There's no rush into orgasm
Relax and allow that orgasm to come to you, not for you to chase it. The amount of pleasure and excitement and fulfillment that you get from knowing that your body is doing this on its own.
And this comes with practice.
But just let it come and do not drive towards it.
Let go of control and let it come to you.

Because it’s all about being trusting. It’s being safe. It’s feeling comfortable. It’s relaxing. It’s having that moment of connection.”
Practice your perfect orgasm
It's not going to get to that point unless you practice it daily, Just like any sport or any single thing that you need to do with practice. It needs to be really mastering the relaxation and your mindset to create the container in which you can receive this perfect orgasm or receive more perfect orgasms every day. Noticing what in your mind you're trying to control and releasing.
Communicate about your pleasure and what is a perfect orgasm to you
Talking about sex or your orgasm with your partner does not need to be a taboo.
It's about sharing what feels good, what doesn't, and exploring together.
It's like creating a custom recipe for pleasure that works just for you. And always, always, remember consent.
It's the foundation of trust and safety in your intimate journey. Share your new realizations, share your new joys and new discoveries.
What would you like to explore together?
Expand, expand, expand
Expanding the level of pleasure, sensation, the level of what you desire and expanding the level of accepting and receiving. So these are all situations and experiences that you can expand because pleasure is infinite.
Allow, allow, allow and receive
Whenever pleasure comes. It doesn't just have to come from stimulation of the clitoris or the stimulation of the penis. I can come from any direction. I can come from mental stimulation. It can come from a sound, a touch or it can come from any sensation, and you can expand that sensation. And you can allow that to contribute to the feelings that you have in your body to receive that energy, and to be more orgasmic and to just embody the feeling of an orgasm.
When you are having the full abundant feeling, and you’re receiving, and you’re giving, and you’re allowing that level and capacity to receive expand constantly. Because that’s a limitless expansion. Then you’re not only able to be attractive yourself, but you’re also able to attract money, you’re also able to attract people.
Breathe through it
When you can breathe through your orgasms, you're able to expand it and invite it in and allow and accept it into your body even more.
Stay present
During orgasm, it just felt so amazing to be able to be so vulnerable. And so present with exactly the pleasures that are being created in your body.
And obviously, this is not something that you can or want to aim for. If you don't want to aim for it doesn't matter, but just stay present, don't go back in your head, stay present to whatever sensations there are.
The tendency is to want to run away when you get overstimulated, and you want to just enjoy it and lose yourself in it.
But the more present you can stay, the more sensations you can build and like the more capacity you can build and hold those the stations as long as you can throughout the experience itself. And also throughout the day and throughout the weeks.
You cannot put your happiness and your orgasm into another person’s hands. That is giving your power away.
So, this is ultimately a test of self-love and understanding that you have the responsibility to actually take control of the situation and have as much pleasure as you want. It’s your responsibility to have as much fun and that fun is an honorable goal.
Perfect Orgasm - 10 steps!!! Y223
An orgasm at it’s most abundant state requires you to allow pleasure into your life.” -sarasense.com
Other Frequently Asked Questions on The Perfect Orgasm
How to Tackle the Orgasm Gap?
Let's address "the orgasm gap", mentioned especially in heterosexual relationships. It's like an unfair race where guys often finish first. But guess what? You can help close this gap. Start by owning your pleasure, communicating your needs, and breaking free from those old-school ideas that don't serve you. Remember, your pleasure is just as important! And attainable 🙂
How to Navigate Anorgasmia?
Anorgasmia – the challenge of not reaching orgasm – can be frustrating, but it's not the end of the road. Sometimes, it could be psychological blocks, or other times, something more physical. The good news? There are ways to work through it, and as we will continue to mention - you can redefine it.
Seeking help from an emotional standpoint, or medical doctors can help. And remember, it's okay to seek help. You're not alone in this.
Remember, my friend, your journey to the perfect orgasm is yours alone. It's a path of self-discovery, empowerment, and joy. Embrace it with an open heart, a curious mind, and a spirit of adventure. You've got this!
What are the key technique and strategies to a perfect orgasm aside from the ones above
Exploring Clitoral Bliss Through Specific Touches
Your clitoris is a treasure trove of joy. Want to unlock its secrets? Experiment with different touches - gentle, firm, circular motions. Find out what makes your body sing. And hey, there's no shame in bringing toys into your solo or partnered adventures. They're just tools to help you discover new avenues of pleasure.
Finding Joy in Positions
There's a whole world of sexual positions out there. Some might make you feel like a queen, while others might not be your cup of tea. And that's totally fine! The key is to find what makes you feel most connected and pleasured. Maybe it's about getting that perfect angle for clitoral stimulation or finding a deeper, more satisfying connection. Keep an open mind and explore with a sense of adventure.
What are the key erogenous zones to focus on for getting the perfect orgasm?
Exploring Clitoral Bliss Through Specific Touches
Your clitoris is a treasure trove of joy. Want to unlock its secrets? Experiment with different touches - gentle, firm, circular motions. Find out what makes your body sing. And hey, there's no shame in bringing toys into your solo or partnered adventures. They're just tools to help you discover new avenues of pleasure.
Finding Joy in Positions
There's a whole world of sexual positions out there. Some might make you feel like a queen, while others might not be your cup of tea. And that's totally fine! The key is to find what makes you feel most connected and pleasured. Maybe it's about getting that perfect angle for clitoral stimulation or finding a deeper, more satisfying connection. Keep an open mind and explore with a sense of adventure.
What are the key erogenous zones to focus on for getting the perfect orgasm?
Clitoris: The clitoris is a highly sensitive area and is often considered the primary "pleasure center" of female anatomy. It's not just the external part that's sensitive; the clitoris extends inside the pelvic cavity, forming a wishbone or upside down "V" shape. It can be stimulated in various ways, including during vaginal intercourse, oral sex, or with fingers or toys.
G-spot: Known as the Grafenberg spot, the G-spot is located just inside the vagina and can lead to intense sexual pleasure or orgasms when stimulated. It can be found by inserting a finger in the vagina and making a “come hither” motion towards the front vaginal wall. Like the clitoris, it can be stimulated during vaginal intercourse, though some find that fingers or toys are more effective in targeting this area.
Are there medical treatments available for those struggling to orgasm?
Based on an article by Cleveland Clinic:
Medication: Certain medications, such as the antidepressant and smoking cessation drug bupropion (Wellbutrin®), have shown benefits for those living with anorgasmia. In some cases, Viagra® is also prescribed, especially to counter sexual dysfunction in people taking SSRI antidepressants.
Topical Treatments: Custom-blended prescription creams like “Scream Cream” may be recommended. These are applied to the clitoris before a sexual encounter to increase blood flow and potentially enhance sensitivity and orgasm.
Stimulation Devices: The FDA has approved devices like the Intensity™, which stimulates pelvic muscles and provides direct clitoral stimulation, and the Eros, a vacuum device stimulating blood flow to the clitoris.
I've personally preferred emotional, energetic or connection based holistic transformative experiences over pharmaceutical medications. I haven't used any of these - tune in to your body and see what you might want to try and see the results!
If you're curious about how shifting yourself internally, and doing it with my body of work and tools could support you - reach out.
How do men's sexual fantasies relate to their partners' orgasms?
Men's sexual fantasies often revolve around women who are visibly enthusiastic and expressive about their sexual desires.
This is not just about power or control but also stems from anxiety.
In such fantasies, the clear desire of women relieves men of the worry about whether they are wanted or if they will offend a woman with their desire.
This allows men to express their own sexual desires more freely, without the fear of rejection.
However, when women openly express their sexual desires in reality, it can sometimes be perceived by men as a demand or a performance pressure, which complicates the dynamics of sexual desire and performance in relationships.
So, openly communicate the intentions of communicating your fantasies so everyone can feel safe, seen, heard and appreciated for sharing our desires!
Key takeaways:
- Orgasms are one of the most energizing experiences that really increase the flow of the your confidence and flow.
- The perfect orgasm is actually understanding what is perfection to you and how you explore it in every moment.
- Relax and allow that orgasm to come to you, not chase it.
- When you can breathe through your orgasms, you're able to expand it and invite it in with less stress and pressure.
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YOLO Team - with Hani
After self healing from a 15 year battle with a disease, Hani has distilled the most important learnings into a multi-cultural Bestselling Author of the You Only Live Once book and now, with her team, supports leaders, change makers, and impact driven entrepreneurs to build sustainable career and businesses so that they can contribute at their highest level. She supports holistic transformations through strategy, personal growth and practical spirituality (mindfulness). The YUMMY Team’s clients span USA, Asia, Africa, Europe, and South America. They are sought after by clients and partners like Singapore Management University, Chamber of Commerce’s, Lululemon, HER Global Network, Festivals, talks and private coaching. The YOLO programs have spread across 350+ media outlets including ABC, NBC, FOX, BBC, and Forum of the Future. Prior to coaching, Hani managed global digital marketing teams at Ogilvy & Mather. She also holds a Masters of Science degree in Innovation, is a Master NLP practitioner and has been a part of Stanford and Claremont Mckenna College.
YOLO Team - with Hani
After self healing from a 15 year battle with a disease, Hani has distilled the most important learnings into a multi-cultural Bestselling Author of the You Only Live Once book and now, with her team, supports leaders, change makers, and impact driven entrepreneurs to build sustainable career and businesses so that they can contribute at their highest level. She supports holistic transformations through strategy, personal growth and practical spirituality (mindfulness). The YUMMY Team’s clients span USA, Asia, Africa, Europe, and South America. They are sought after by clients and partners like Singapore Management University, Chamber of Commerce’s, Lululemon, HER Global Network, Festivals, talks and private coaching. The YOLO programs have spread across 350+ media outlets including ABC, NBC, FOX, BBC, and Forum of the Future. Prior to coaching, Hani managed global digital marketing teams at Ogilvy & Mather. She also holds a Masters of Science degree in Innovation, is a Master NLP practitioner and has been a part of Stanford and Claremont Mckenna College.

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International bestselling author, Speaker And Transformational Life & Business Innovation Coach.
Ying Han Cheng is a multi-cultural Bestselling Author of the YOLO book and founder of YOLO Close the Gap Program.
Growing up internationally and as a third cultured kid, she integrates her multi-cultural and the inter-disciplinary awareness when coaching on topics including Identity and Purpose. With Ying Han's multi-cultural background, wide range of tools, and creative neutro-coaching techniques, she has helped leaders, entrepreneurs and change-makers to reach their highest potential.
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International bestselling author, Speaker And Transformational Life & Business Innovation Coach. She wields advanced energy work and helps liberate you into your infinite being (in all areas of your life) via empowerment and sexual and intimacy liberation.
Hani Cheng is a multi-cultural Bestselling Author of the YOLO book and founder of Synchronistic Wealth Summits.
Growing up internationally and as a third cultured kid, she integrates her multi-cultural and the inter-disciplinary awareness when coaching on topics including Identity and Purpose. With Ying Han's multi-cultural background, wide range of tools, and creative neutro-coaching techniques, she has helped leaders, entrepreneurs and change-makers to reach their highest potential.

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